Insult to Injury

Gun Brooke

Narrator: Keira Grace     Series: Book

Release Date:
Bold Strokes Books
Audiobook Publisher:
Bold Strokes Books
Story Country:
Story Location:
Rhode Island

World famous violinist Gail Owen is devastated after a car accident leaves her unable to play her beloved instrument. She withdraws from her privileged life to an old farmhouse in Rhode Island.

Romi Shepherd is homeless in New York City and barely survives by singing for pennies in the subway. After being wrongfully arrested, she hitchhikes back to Rhode Island and, out of money and options, hides in a secret room in the house she grew up in, unaware that the new owner is about to move in permanently. 

When Gail discovers Romi has been living in her house, she is curiously drawn to the young woman. Romi is torn between feeling guilty for lying to Gail and enamored of her, and she fears the truth will set them on a path toward heartbreak.

©2019 Gun Brooke and Bold Strokes Books - the bookcover and blurb are used by courtesy of the rights holder.

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