One Degree of Separation

Karin Kallmaker

Narrator: Quinn Riley    

Release Date:
Bella Books
Audiobook Publisher:
Tantor Audio
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Marian Pardoo, reference librarian for the Iowa City Public Library, would be happy if the woman she’s loved for years wasn’t already married. Annoyed by the thoughtless out-of-town Liddy, she isn’t prepared for the seething passion that erupts when Liddy careens into her meticulously controlled life.

Liddy has run two thousand miles from a devastating love affair. Now the idea of spending the sweltering summer watching the corn grow is driving her mad. Finding herself lusting after Marian the librarian seems like yet another cosmic jest at her hopeless love life. The only thing that keeps her sane is the coffee.

In a town where everybody knows your name, the names of your exes, pets, and your third grade teacher, Marian is thankful that she and Liddy at least don’t have an ex-girlfriend in common.

One degree of separation is too close for comfort.

©2003 Karin Kallmaker and Bella Books - the bookcover and blurb are used by courtesy of the rights holder.

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