People Person

Alex Spear

Narrator: Megan Green    

People Person
Release Date:
Shadoe Publishing
Audiobook Publisher:
Shadoe Publishing

Louisa Cannes is trying to juggle her human resources career with looking after her family and keeping her girlfriend interested. Her ethics are repeatedly tested at the difficult job on which she depends to pay for her nephew’s life-saving treatment.

Cripplingly long hours, an incompetent, lazy line manager and a couple of vindictive rivals don’t exactly help, and she is in danger of burning out. But why does the evil boss, Penelope, seem determined to destroy Louisa one minute, then groom her for promotion the next?

Can Louisa avoid competing with her best friend, can she still call herself a people person, and who can she really trust in the race to the top?

© Alex Spear and Shadoe Publishing - the bookcover and blurb are used by courtesy of the rights holder.

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