Assassination Authorized

Erin Wade

Narrator: Victoria Mei    

Assassination Authorized by Erin Wade
Release Date:
Intrigue & Thriller, Romance
Independently Published
Audiobook Publisher:
Independently Published
Story Country:
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For five years Special Agent Jericho Parker has hidden in the shadows watching psychiatrist Mecca Storm, keeping her safe, removing obstacles in her path, and silently falling in love with her, but Mecca doesn’t even know Jericho exists.

Jane Doe is brought into the emergency room so badly beaten she is unrecognizable and doesn’t even know her own name. Surgeon Kadence Pride vows to restore the petite woman to her former beauty.

Follow these two couples as they discover each other while trying to avoid terrorists who have sworn to avenge a brother’s death by taking the lives of the women.

©2019 Erin Wade - the bookcover and blurb are used by courtesy of the rights holder.

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